Category Archives: Passing the Trash

ABC Nightline Shines Light on Practice of “Passing the Trash”

[Updated 2017-04-12] The video from last night’s broadcast is embedded at the bottom of the page in two separate segments. April 11 — Barring any sudden dramatic developments in the Middle East or elsewhere, the ABC news show “Nightline” will run a special edition this evening on the phenomenon known as “passing the trash.” The…

KSNV (News3 Las Vegas) Schedules Televised Panel Discussion on Educator Misconduct (Media) [Updated 2016-05-31]

NBC affiliate KSNV (News3 Las Vegas) will be taping a panel discussion next month about the issue of educator misconduct in the state of Nevada and across the nation. I am pleased to announce that I have been invited to participate in the panel discussion. I will update this post with additional information regarding panel…

Thoughts on the movie, SPOTLIGHT, Silence & Cover-ups [x-post from]

Last month, I was invited to participate in a podcast called “A Sickness of Silence,” part of an ongoing series of roundtable discussions involving survivors of child abuse and various experts on the topic. One of the participants in the roundtable, Michael Skinner, has been kind enough to read my blog and recently sent me…

Solicitation Charges Against OK Teacher Spark Older Complaint

In April, Charles Clay Dawson, a teacher at Wanette Public Schools in Pottawatomie County, was charged with soliciting nude photos from two female students, one aged 16 and the other aged 15. According to the investigative report, the 43-year-old Dawson solicited the photos from the students using standard text messaging and the KIK messaging app.…

Brooklyn HS Teacher Illustrates Risks for Vulnerable Educators

Unlike most of the entries in this blog that involve teacher misconduct, this is not a story that begins or ends with high-tech malfeasance. It does, however, offer an unusually well-documented example of the role that emotional vulnerabilities can play in contributing to the various types of cybertraps that snare so many educators. According to…