Over the last several years, I have had the pleasure of working with the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). The organization recently issued its call for proposals to present at the 2016 Annual Conference next June in Philadelphia, and I am pleased to announce that I have been selected as one of the speakers for the event.
My proposed presentation is entitled “Teaching Cyberethics to Millennials: The Role and Responsibility of Teacher Certification Programs,” and will cover the following material:
In the Model Code of Ethics for Educators proposed by NASDTEC in 2015, one of the five enunciated principles was “Responsible and Ethical Use of Technology.” One of the key opportunities for shaping the shared vision of the profession is to provide teachers-in-training with a solid grounding in cyberethics. Unfortunately, few existing certification programs make more than a brief mention of the ethical issues that arise from the use and misuse of digital devices. This presentation will make the case for detailed and thorough instruction in cyberethics, offer examples of possible curriculum elements, and review the potential consequences of failing to educate teacher candidates on ethical issues. During the course of the presentation, attendees will
participate in electronic polls on various issues, and have an opportunity to engage in Q&A with the presenter.
This presentation is based on research that I did for Cybertraps for Educators and for the ongoing research that I do for this blog. In addition, this presentation will build on work that I am doing for a similar presentation for the National Association of Community College Teacher Certification Programs in March in Chicago.