Draft Family Acceptable Use Policy for Little Device Users (Toddlers and Pre-School)

The following are a few policies that parents might want to discuss between themselves and with their young device users before handing over their technology.

Policies for Parents

I/We will supervise our child when he or she is using any electronic device.

I/We will make sure that our devices are configured to prevent unauthorized downloads and that all security software is properly installed and updated.

I/We will make sure that the device does not contain any age-inappropriate content and that he or she cannot accidentally go online.

I/We will educate ourselves about the devices and content that older children are using now, so that I/we will be prepared for each child’s development.

I/We will begin talking to other parents, day care providers, and trusted adults about rules for technology use and collaborative supervision.

Policies for Young Children

I will ask permission from my parent (or trusted adult) before using a phone, a tablet computer, or any other electronic device.

I will be careful with any device I use, and will try not to drop it, kick it, or throw it at my siblings, the dog, or the wall, even if I’m losing badly. If I’m getting frustrated, I will ask an adult for help or do something else.

I will follow my parents’ instructions and stop using a device when they tell me to do so. I understand that using a tablet, a phone, or a computer is a privilege and that I need to follow the rules in order to keep using it.

I will not wander off with a device, but will sit and use it my parent (or trusted adult) can see me.

If I see something that I don’t understand or scares me, I will ask my parents (or trusted adult) for help.

When I’m done using any device, I will turn it off and return it to its owner.

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