Author Archives: ctadmin

The Age of SnapPrivacy: The Myths of Anonymity and Deletion [Lecture]

2014-04-24 The Age of SnapPrivacy from Frederick Lane A brief overview of the history of personal privacy and the impact of technology delivered at the Cyber Privacy Symposium at Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY on April 24, 2014. Included is a discussion of what actually constitutes privacy. If you are interested in discussing a presentation or…

American Privacy: The 400-Year History of Our Most Contested Right [Lecture]

2014-04-10 American Privacy: The 400-Year History of Our Most Contested Right from Frederick Lane A presentation based on my book American Privacy that I delivered to the Genesis Client Forum in Chicago, IL on April 10, 2014. If you are interested in discussing a presentation or professional development program for your organization on this topic,…

The Secret Life of Teens: The Myths of Anonymity and Deletion [Lecture]

2014-04-08 The Secret Life of Teens: The Myths of Anonymity and Deletion from Frederick Lane A presentation I delivered for the “Common Ground Speaks” conference at Far Hills Country Day School in Far Hills, NJ on April 8, 2014. If you are interested in discussing a presentation or professional development program for your organization on…

Digital Citizenship: A Modern Parent’s Guide To Raising CyberEthical Kids [X-Post]

[This blog post originally appeared on Good Digital Parenting.] If it isn’t blindingly obvious already, our kids are growing up in a digital and increasingly wireless world, and technology is revolutionizing education for both adults and their children of today. There are now more mobile devices in the world than there are people (although they…

Impact of Technology on Clinical Evaluations: Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Sextortion [Lecture]

2014-03-27 Impact of Technology on Clinical Evaluations: Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Sextortion from Frederick Lane A presentation delivered remotely to the San Diego Psych Law Society on March 27, 2014. If you are interested in discussing a presentation or professional development program for your organization on this topic, please contact me for information regarding my…

Digital Media & the Death of Privacy [Lecture]

Digital Media & the Death of Privacy from Frederick Lane A presentation on how the development of digital technology and digital media has affected the three main strands of privacy: modesty, anonymity, and control. This talk was given at ASMPNY IDEAshare on March 1, 2014. If you are interested in discussing a presentation or professional…

Cybertraps for Educators: The Professional Perils of 24/7 Communication [Lecture]

Cybertraps for Educators from Frederick Lane A presentation for the Alaska Society for Technology in Education, based on my upcoming book, Cybertraps for Educators. It details the potential risks for teachers and administrators from the use and misuse of electronic resources. If you are interested in discussing a presentation or professional development program for your…

Managing The Phases Of Your Child’s Digital Life [X-Post]

[This blog post originally appeared on Good Digital Parenting.] In his marvelously funny book, “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe,” British satirist Douglas Adams observed that “The History of every major Galactic Civilization tends to pass through three distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry and Sophistication, otherwise known as the How,…