
More About City Kids Transfer

Hi all — I appreciated Joan Shannon’s comments regarding the City Council’s request that the Mayor delay a merger of the City Kids program with the after-school programs administered by the Burlington Schools. I am writing to add some additional information because I think that it is important for people to understand some of the…

School Board Update

Hi neighbors — The Burlington School Board held its July meeting this evening at the Ira Allen Building on Colchester Avenue. As is often the case for summer meetings, it was lightly attended; there were just 8 board members at the meeting (including both your Ward Five reps) and no members of the general public.…

School Commissioner Update

Dear Neighbors — The School Board met on Tuesday evening at the Lyman C. Hunt Middle School. The lead item on the agenda was the delivery of the final report of the Burlington School Board Task Force on Removing Obstacles to the Success of Students from Low Income Families. An executive summary was read by…

School Commissioner Report

Hi neighbors — The School Board met on April 4 (a week early) to reorganize itself following the March elections. The Board welcomed two new members, Julia Curry (Ward 3) and Katherine Chasan (Ward 1). As the most senior member of the Board, Commissioner Keith Pillsbury presided over the meeting until the election of officers.…

School Commissioner Update

Thanks once again to all of the voters who supported the budget for the coming year, and to those who donated their time, effort, and various extremities to hand out flyers in the cold March weather. It is a real testament to this community’s commitment to public education. The March school board meeting is generally…

School Board Update

Dear Neighbors — By now, most or all of you are aware that the School Board voted unanimously last night to hire Jeanne Collins as Superintendent of the Burlington School District. The vote came at the end of a three-hour executive session, during which the Board discussed in detail the respective qualifications of the candidates…

School Board Update

Dear neighbors — It’s been a hectic time recently on the School Board, as we’ve tried to finalize the budget that will be submitted to the voters on Town Meeting Day in March. After a series of well-attended public hearings in late December and early January, the Board adopted a budget on Tuesday night that…

Welcome Back to School

Frederick Lane North Avenue News 2003-09-12 It’s a subtle thing, the arrival of fall. It sneaks up on us, creeping in past the half-empty sun screen bottles, tie-dyed camp t-shirts, and scuffed sandals. But the days are definitely shorter: apples hang red and heavy in the orchards, and pumpkins swell slowly in the field, awaiting…